Saturday, March 17, 2012

I am starting this blog to document our progress converting a 1968 E-type jaguar to electronic fuel injection using MegaSquirt (II V3). Currently the engine and (New JT5) transmission are back in the car after two years (pictures to come).

Here is the pile of parts I got off Ebay to start the conversion.
We started with an intake manifold from a late model series 3 xj6, (1986)
The Runners were cut down on the CNC machine, being careful to leave the water jacket part of the manifold intact so that I could re-use the water rail.

 New straight aluminum pipes were TIG welded in place.

The coolant rail had to be re-positioned (up) slightly to clear the straight pipes.

Here is a 36-1 Trigger Wheel and mounting spacer for the Crankshaft damper pulley. This will be the used for engine rpm and spark signals.